Prof. Howard Lee spoke at a webnar co-sponsored by MEDCITY in the UK and the Korea Pharmaceutical and Biopharma Manufacturers Association in Korea (KPBMA). MEDCITY represents the life sciences cluster of London and the Greater South East of England. KPBMA is the largest pharmaceutical industry organization in Korea, which has members of 174 domestic pharmaceutical firms and 21 multinational corporations.
The title of the webinar was 'New Approaches to Immuno-Oncology', and Prof. Lee introduced the current status of advanced therapeutics development in Korea. In his talk, Prof. Lee gave an overview of the global trend in immune-oncology (IO) drug development. He also discussed a snapshot of IO drug development in South Korea, where he also summarized three of examples, i.e., Hyleukin-7 (Genexin), Pexa-Vec (Shillagen), and ABL501 (ablbio). Prof. Lee concluded his presentation by giving a future prospect for IO drug development in Korea, both the bright and gloomy sides.
The other speakers included: Prof. Farzin Fazaneh (King's College, UK), Prof. Francesca Ciccarell (Cancer Genomics, King's College, London, UK), and Dr. Jong-Seong Ahn (GC Cell, Seoul, Korea). Siun Kim has contributed to the preparation of the slide deck that Prof. Lee used.